
"Weather App" is the seventh project in the Full-stack Javascript course and the fifth project in the JavaScript course. This project primarily tests API usage (promises, async/await, fetch).

The sixth project in Full-stack Javascript course and fouth project in the JavaScript course, this transformation of the "To Do List" project tests all content in the organizing code section.

"Restaurant" is the fifth project in the Full-stack Javascript course and the third project in the JavaScript course. This project tests DOM manipulation, modules, npm, and webpack.

"Tic Tac Toe" is the fourth project in the Full-stack Javascript course and the second project in the Organizing JavaScript Code course. This project tests factories and modules.

"Library" is the third project in the Full-stack Javascript course and the first project in the Organizing JavaScript Code course. This project tests objects and constructors.

"Sign-Up Form" is the first project in the first project in the intermediate HTML/CSS course. This project tests form creation/validation as well as intermediate CSS concepts.

"Calculator" is the fifth and last project in the Foundations course, which tests all content covered in the Foundations course (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) to create a basic calculator for users to interact with.

"Etch-a-Sketch" is the fourth project in the Foundations course, which further tests DOM manipulation to create something "between a sketchpad and an Etch-A-Sketch".
After four months of working through the Odin Project, I now have a solid understanding of the fundamentals of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript!
Unfortunately, I must return to my academics but I look forward to continuing the Odin Project in the future!
The Odin Dashboard project has now been completed and is public!
This serves as a project showcase for my personal website - the sidebars and actions do not actually do anything and are just for presentation!
I have successfully completed the Odin Fundamentals course! Let's keep learning!